Monday, June 30, 2008

web 2.0, library 2.0 and the future of libraries

Web 2.0 Review

Where will the next generation Web take libraries?

Fundamentals of librarianship from the past (before the Internet) have changed. Web 2.0 / Library 2.0 are now and here. It is time to take advantage of various technologies to enhance the library experience for both patrons and library staff. This will require a lot of work. But, if librarians want to remain relevant in the eyes of library patrons and people in general, we must become teachers in the world of navigating through information from both electronic and print sources.

Away from the “icebergs”

We can expand our information center (library) by creating access to information (computer labs) and purchasing more general materials for patron use. Thanks to Mcnaughton, we have the capacity to lease popular materials and determine later, if we need to purchase materials based on popularity and/or relevancy.
Teaching both Library 2.0 and basic computer skills is a must for any library. Patrons would have the opportunity to be taught and it is time that we provide.
Every library needs a theme to bring about uniqueness to the setting. Of course, especially in slow economic times, libraries become more of a destination. Finding a theme that brings people to the library will show relevancy of place to those that question the need for libraries in the future.
Possible Themes include: Local History, Ethnic and Cultural Diversity, Seniors and Careers and Job Placement. Libraries and librarians can utilize Web 2.0 resources to develop programs to benefit library patrons. I will talk about this subject later.

Into a new world of librarianship

After reviewing the article about the new world of librarianship, I drew one conclusion to Web 2.0 / Library 2.0, “please don’t forget the basics”. Sometimes people are drawn into a candy store, because of the many treats there are available. Library 2.0 is like a new set of candy treats and there is so much, there is no stopping trying them all. However, without trying one at a time and enjoying the favor, then no one knows if anything is really good. Or, if everything is so good, when do we pick just one.
Once again, the fundamentals of libraries have changed, but one basic principle remains, finding a good book or finding information that support our needs. Find the Library 2.0 resources that fit your patrons’ needs and don’t forget that the basic library skills using technology and the internet will always needed to be taught. Most library patrons are limited in their knowledge of finding information. And, to add various resources for information usage via the Internet would be extremely complicated. Teaching basics skills to patrons is absolutely needed, in order to expand into the participation of Library 2.0 between librarians and patrons.

Build new services with Web 2.0 technologies

OCLC has come a long way. Actually, my library staff showed me the new web based World Cat and I must say, “it’s beautiful”. To here that OCLC is joining working with Web 2.0 technologies is great. OCLC is a fundamental aspect of librarianship and their willingness to incorporate the library patron in organizing information is incredible. I remember talking to other librarians 10 years ago about the issues of organizing information. The amount of work it takes to properly organize information. I truly believe that we are in the next generation of information organization and information technology and I am glad that aspects of librarianship are connecting to the future. =)

Expose, expand, extend metadata using Web 2.0

Metadata is data about data. Confused? I wasn’t when I was in graduate school. Metadata was one of my favorite subjects in school. And now to hear the possibilities of metadata actually being utilized by libraries is the ultimate of library research in the future. Librarians and library patrons don’t even know how far we are going to go with metadata. Why is metadata so important? The vast amount of information needs to be organized for maximum results, easily obtainable for researchers and general library use. With Web 2.0, libraries around the world can interact and organize information and now with possible patron involvement, the time consuming effort of organizing information is greatly reduce. This is revolutionary!
Librarian escaping the “gatekeeper” syndrome and becoming “gate keeping facilitators” puts a smile on my face!

The future is now.

As I finish reading the last part of these articles, I am still asking the same question. How are we going to handle Web 3.0 / Library 3.0 and not understand or organize with standards any 2.0 applications? That is the challenge. Build foundations that support user needs with detail and uncomplicated instruction. Build a solid building and it can stand for 1,000+ years or watch it crumble with one brisk wind. It is now up to us librarians, library staff and others to advance the education of finding information or we will never advance as a society.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

technorati: average

the great technorati

i was not as thrilled about technorati as other library 2.0 programs. technorati is a good tool for the more advanced 2.0 users. alot to cover and alot to organized.

it is something that i see needs to be more streamlined.

the better organized, the average technorati can become the great technorati!

well it makes me hungry, hungry for information. get it!

that is very corny, but i do like delicious alot. the way delicious organize websites is much more flexible that in the past.

as far as research for patrons, it would take time for them to understand what is going. i really hope in the near future, that pbcls can create some classes using these tools.

better yet, have these tools taught to kids and then they can teach others how to use these tools.

i think it would be great idea to bring about three options to our library system.

1. community involvement:
2. intellectual networking:
3. library 2.0 marketplace

delicious is clearly a tool of the future. more for networking purposes, than research with access anywhere in the world.

webfeat: born and raised in east chicago, indiana


i had a chance to use webfeat. i love this web 2.0 tool. this is a great way to search for information and can be used for researchers.

often times i tell patrons that there is so much information. sometimes, it seems that they just need information now. research is about time. take the time to read, evaluate and draw conclusions to solving problems and developing new theory. as a graduate student, i used my knowledge of african and african american studies and applied to the study of library science. it helped me alot and i enjoyed graduate school.

anyway, i looked up information about my hometown. east chicago, indiana is a working class suburb of chicago, illinois. it is known for the steel mills. with the end of the industrial age in america, e.c. has lost at lest a 1/3 of the population. most people there are now are from chicago (escaping the high housing prices of chicago). i still have friends and family there. hopefully i will go back in 2009.

the articles i found were mostly about the steel mills, the changing in political power (the former mayor was there for 32 years and the boys basketball team winning the state championship in 2007.

webfeat could be utilized as a teaching course for patrons who want to learn how to do research.

rcag =)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


just when i was thinking about creating a personal catalog, now i find out about librarything. it is a good resource to put together your own personal library (elibrary). for the most part, i like it and it could be a good tool for patrons who want to organize the books they have read or going to read. i thought it was okay, but a bit overwhelming with so many ways to keep your library together and informed. it reminds me of craiglist, which is a mess. too much mess leads to more mess. organize the mess and lets get to the point.

i may try my own way of organizing my books in the future. =)

interesting to say the lest!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

image generators 3

black and white images try:


"special" book images

image generators 2

jasmine danielle guzman-glass

the coolest girl in the world and

future librarian.

and of course my daughter

other image generator that i like alot.

alot of fun and of course a "10"

image generators

generators are cool

i see some as 0 in quality, others as a 10

this one is kind cool and i created it myself.

overall, i see generators as cool to make library websites and advertising images as even cooler.

and we can get the kids involved.

libraries are as cool as we make them. so let us be cool

Sunday, June 15, 2008

rss and newsreaders

rss and newsreaders are great tools in technology to gather information. i may start using rss for my own personal usage.

rss can be a good source for tech savvy library patrons who want to know what is going on at the library in a faster and easier way to retrieve information.

rss is good for me, especially because i like to read newspapers and blogs all of the time. it saves alot of time for me to recieve information.

the library system should start a rss feed. i think it will go really well and it is a great start for pbcls to dive into the library 2.0 world

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

flickr, technology and me


i am getting more at ease with flickr.
i think libraries can post pictures of events at the library, connected to selective blogs and talk about what libraries can do for patrons' needs.

technology is such a broad word to use, especially when it comes to organizing, processing and retrieving information.
the organization part is something all library and information services should strive for. the lack of organization is become a serious problem, especially for researchers. it is very frustrating to not be able to navigate through information. organizing is a key to effective library use.
processing information is where hardware technology comes into play. it is surprising that any companies invest in hardware for listening to books. much like a mp3 players, a library user would love to have a small device to download books and carry it with them wherever they go. i don't fear the end of the book, so let's expand the possibilities for new technology and information for fun or business.
retrieving information is much like the organization of information. gathering selective information is crucial for researchers and other information seekers. time is so important today and it is important for libraries recognize that efficient and effective information gathering will bring more people into the library and take advantage of all of our resources.


flickr: so much fun =(


i finally finished flickr. it started off sour and now it is kinda sweet. not user friendly, but practice makes perfect.

"my daughter's favorite thing is her kit kat"

anyway, now i know how to flickr.

talk to you later about ways to use flickr in a library setting.


southwest county regional library - boca raton, florida

from flicker to blog.

this is my second home!


Monday, June 2, 2008

blogs for library systems

hello again

i was thinking ways that blogs can benefit library workers and library users. just looking at library blogs, i like seattle pl the best. however, think we can utilize blogs at pbcls a bit differently.

subject reviews
library staff would blog about various subjects and the materials available in particular subjects like:
history, graphic novels, movies, historical fiction, etc...

talk about different programs at the library and suggest new programs.

youth services
interact with youth about libraries programs and books.

branch blogs
each branch create a blog about news and events at the branch.

patrons blog
patrons of the library can share their view of the library and what they look for in their library usage.

of course, blogging take commitment and time. i really would like to see the library try a blog and see how it works out. the future is now!