Friday, May 30, 2008

7 ½ Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learning

the tutorial: habits of highly successful lifelong learning is a great program to learn from. i think that it can be a guideline for librarians, librarianship and library systems.

one way i look at librarianship as a continued learning opportunity, learn from challenges, expand your mind and help expand other peoples' mind and teach.

one idea i like is the "learning toolbox". the learning toolbox can also be called teaching toolbox. what a librarian or library staff learn can be shared among others, including patrons and staff. i like to call it, knowledge networking.

knowledge networking can become a program of sharing information based on subjects through technology or personal interaction.

the hardest part of creating a learning toolbox and knowledge networking is creating a template/structure to make it valuable for the users.

i have decided to develop this project and see where it takes me.

the fun thing about teaching in a library system is that there is endless possibilities, especially with technologies of library 2.0.


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