Monday, July 14, 2008

the final


today, I finished the final 23rd thing. library 2.0 was a great adventure and I learned a lot. some of these tools, I will use. some I will look at later. and some, I might wait awhile.

the one thing I do like about this project is the possibilities for library patrons and librarians.

i believe to make Library 2.0 worthwhile, a few steps should be considered.

learn about selective tools and prepare a teaching component or exercise.

teach library staff and patrons on how to use selective tools.

plan and implement a program based on selective tools and library usage.

show the community the benefits.

watch it grow.

it can be done. it may be hard work, but it can be benefitical to all and start something new in libraries and librarianship. =)

what was your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?

i really like to blog, but blogging can take a lot of time. RSS and Delicious is something I will use personally. the best tool to me is Wikis. Wikis can be used to put together readers advisory or a history of a community. patrons can be involved and Librarians can be administrators. something to look at in the future.

how has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?

i can actually work on an effective toolbox to expand on my learning using technology.

were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

some things were very easy and some things were very hard. i wonder if this companies that own these applications know that libraries are trying out this products. if some of the applications were more user friendly, then more people. would use them like me.

what could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?

make it a bit longer for staff that are very busy. and, make it easier for staff to find those who have the same interests about this program.

if we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?


Friday, July 11, 2008

audiobooks and the digital collection


with the new overdrive digital media collection, patrons can gain access to selective books. have up to 5 in your collection at one time, a patron can store the books in their computer or burn it to a cd. i really didn't like overdrive, because of the restrictions. now that i tried it, i like it a bit more. i wish the collection was broader for sure, but i did find some good books i plan to down load in the future.

i would like to have a class on overdrive in the future. i believe the more we are a teaching library, the more patrons would utilize our resources.



podcasts is other useful tool that allows people to listen to various information, shows and discussions that often people would miss due to peoples' busy daily life. the neat part of podcasts is the way i can send them to my bloglines. the down side is that it can be difficult to find on selective pages to find the podcasts and download. i used espn, which was very easy. once again, for some who says designing a webpage is not important, boo. it is very important to making the access of information priority. podcasts like video can be a great benefit to the library system. children can listen to various storytimes.